Food For Thought


An eight-part culinary documentary series developed in conjunction with Dewi Sant Catering, that sees talent from the fields of nutrition, mental health, sport, fitness and wellbeing coming together to discuss the impact of food on mental health. 

Each episode features a healthy meal prepared by Welsh chef Ben Parker that is served to a small group of guests who gather to talk about nutrition and health and dispel the myths around stereotypical mental health tropes such as "boys don't cry" and "put up and shut up". Each episode will feature a "check-in" conversation with each guest, discussions of intentions and achievements in their own lives and also within mental health, personal experiences that they are grateful for, and what constitutes happiness to them. All this takes place during a meal, with continued references to men's mental health, and a focus on healthy nutrition. Each meal will be designed to both taste and feel good - food is something that should be enjoyed and not something we punish ourselves for indulging in. 

Episodes will be structured around how food supports mental health and wellbeing practices such as motivation, gratitude, belonging, enjoyment, love and happiness. Food For Thought will also address our changing attitudes to food and nutrition, from fad diets to food influencers, and how they affect our concept of what actually constitutes healthy eating. The meals featured in the series will incorporate ingredients that are known or suspected to have an effect on our wellbeing, and will be prepared and presented in a manner that make them suitable for viewers to recreate at home.

The series is being developed with the intention of shooting a promo reel in 2025.
